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Press Release: Thalian Blackfriars
to host 24-hour play festival


Thalian Blackfriars to host 24-hour play festival

ATHENS, Ga. (Feb. 19, 2020) – The Thalian Blackfriars, a student theater group at The University of Georgia, are hosting a 24-hour play festival on Feb. 23, 2020. In just one day, UGA students will write and rehearse several original short plays. The festival will conclude with a free showcase at the Arena Theatre of the UGA Fine Arts Building at 8 p.m.

The 24-hour event will give UGA students an opportunity to produce theater in a fast-paced setting. Each playwright will have 12 hours, from Saturday night to Sunday morning, to write a short play. Actors and directors will have the next 12 hours to rehearse the play and get it performance-ready.

“It’s a whirlwind, but the festival is so rewarding,” said Zachary Pareizs, artistic director. “I’m excited to bring this challenge to UGA theater students. It’ll be an intense day, but I hope everyone will have fun and learn a lot about their artistry.”


The 24-hour play festival is the Thalian Blackfriars’ first event of the spring semester. In the fall, they produced “Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Betties” by Jen Silverman and the world premiere of “Rootless” by Abraham Johnson.

For more information, please visit

About Thalian Blackfriars:
One of the oldest collegiate theater organizations in the United States, the Thalian Blackfriars were founded in 1893 and continue to produce theater at the University of Georgia today. They have been committed to producing theater by and for UGA undergraduates. Through plays and staged readings, the Thalian Blackfriars examine ideas that resonate on campus, in the Athens community and beyond. For more information, please visit



Prepared as a sample for ADPR 5920: Public Relations Communication in Spring 2020. My client was Thalian Blackfriars, a student-run theater organization at the University of Georgia that specializes in producing original plays about current issues.

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